My Parents came to visit June 4th through the 12th. Since Jaxon was out of school for summer they brought him with them. My kids weren't out yet, but since Emma is doing online schooling she got to come with me and Tayler and George stayed home.
The first night at seaside was very rainy and blustery, but we woke to sunshine. The tide was super low and lots of people were clamming. We found tons of sand dollars and picked up all that we could carry. We even got a little picky and threw some back just because they weren't just right :) I was impressed with the amount of sand dollars, I'm assuming we found so many because of the low tide.
Since Emma was in school still she was supposed to do something educational everyday. Hope came over on Tuesday and we went to Fort Clatsop, and Fort Stevens to learn a few things. These pictures are at Fort Clatsop, it is a replica of the fort Lewis and Clark lived in when they got to the western coast. Sounds like they had a really miserable time,and after looking through the fort and picturing a really rainy winter I don't blame them. I would have got out of there as fast as I could too.
Near the resort we were staying at there is a salt work. They had to get salt out of the ocean and boil the water away to get salt for all the preserving and things needed on their trips, it looked like a bottle of sand to me :)
In between the forts we went to Astoria, and climbed the Astoria Column. It is 164 steps up and kind of cool if the view is available. We were lucky and could see the ocean and the Columbia and I think the Lewis River. Then the rains came, it was pretty wet the rest of the time, we would go out when we could, we went swimming and hot tubing. Played lots of canasta, and other things. Watched lots of movies. George and Tayler came over for the weekend.
Monday was really pretty and we decided to go for one last hurrah before the time was up. We went to Cannon Beach to see the tide pools, while we were there we rented these fun bikes. Kind of fun, when you want to go a different way you lean, interesting and fun to ride.
My Mom is so awesome, out riding a bike on the beach. I tried to race Jaxon and about tipped over. When he caught up to me he was laughing and said he had already tipped over so he knew not to race :) Live and learn huh.
At Seaside in the Carousel mall we love to go to the hat store and try on hats, a good ending to a great trip.
I just love my family, we have so much fun together. Looking forward to our family reunion in July!