First before I say anything else, let me say I am so thankful for the men that are willing and able to take time off of work for a week to take my son to scout camp.

Now that I have said that, let me tell you how much anxiety I feel for that week. I worry that my son is warm, well fed and not lost somewhere out in timbuktu. Every horror story we hear as mother's comes to haunt us while our sons are out in the wilderness.

I was so happy to see Tayler, walking and smiling. It is such a relief. Not that I don't trust Men or anything. I am almost certain though that had a woman been at camp my son's back wouldn't look like this.

This picture doesn't do it justice, he will be in pain for some time. After all our talks on NOT burning since he wanted to do the canoeing and the rowing merit badges (which he earned, so the pain is not in vain). I am glad he is home, safe and sound.