The theme this year was Infinite Hope, "We hope all things....." Articles of Faith 1:13
The lady up above (never caught her name) asked us to write down a list of things we Hope for: I have to say other than true Happiness I couldn't really think of anything at that time, so I guess I will work on that list.
All the speakers and the music was geared towards HOPE. Friday night Michael McLean sang for us, and talked about his mission to be happy, I guess he suffers from depression and sadly I kind of found him to be depressing, so friday night was not the highlight of the weekend. I did like Mark Mabry's pictures that he has out, they are called "Reflections" of Christ, I really enjoyed his presentation.
Saturday bright and early we were back at the convention center. The music was by Hilary Weeks, that woman can sing! She made me laugh, she makes me cry, but it was all great!
I am going to write about who talked and the one thing they said that struck a cord for me:
Ardeth Kap: Do you look at the scriptures as a letter from home?
Emily Watts: Talked about Mother Hopes (things mothers can hope for) 1) Hope children can improve 2) Faith that our work is important 3) Hope that because of importance of motherhood, we will be helped
Hilary Weeks: Look for good in others and self: Be kind, everyone you meet is going through something.
Michael Wilcox:Look forward! Barriers and comfort zones are no excuse for not going forward.
Mariama Kallon: Her talk was the most amazing! After listening to her speak I was so thankful that Tayler did Hygiene kits for his Eagle. This woman went through so much and still has Hope, it was amazing to hear her. She told about running for her life, literally every day! EVERY DAY! In all of that running one time she had a hygiene kit that she shared with 25 women, they made one tube of toothpaste and all the stuff last for as long as they could, even cut the tube open to get every last drop. Count your blessings!
She did make it to America, served a mission on Temple Square and is going to LDS business College. Just amazing!
She uses the Scriptures as her therapist.
Merrilee Boyack: Only thing you can control is your head, stay postitive and have hope.
Kris Belcher:Christ is her light (she is blind) LIGHT: Love, Intelligence, Grace, Hope, Truth!
It was truly amazing, I do have to say that I felt weird clapping after a song where the spirit had touched me though. Not sure if I like that part, I might just stick with Womens conference, but for this weekend it was a much needed uplift.