Noreen, Judy, Me and my Mom |
I have put this off too long. Tayler's last couple of days with us before his mission were a huge whirlwind. I alway feel like things speed up to crazy speeds and I have no control over anything and so it was with him leaving on his mission. My sisters and my parents came up for the farewell. Cody came from Albany, he likes Oregon :) Sid and Chan Hei were here also. We had a good time visiting and getting all the last minute things done. My Parents have served two missions and so they were able to share a lot of advice with Tayler and Marc has served a mission and he had a lot of really good advice. I was thankful for all the help. Even with the huge package of information the church sent us it was calming to hear other missionaries share their testimonies with my son.
Cody and Tayler |
Marc taking it easy :) |
Ada and Emma |
The last night we were all together was spent making sure we could get all his stuff in the suitcases and not be overweight. We were successful :)
Tayler was blessed to be in a quorum that had about 12 boys, all but two of them I do believe are on missions right now or are on their way soon. Tayler and his friend Nolan were going running every morning to get in shape and get on the missionary schedule :) I miss all the boys coming around the house.
Tayler and Nolan after running, last time together :( |
Tayler, Ammon and Austin. Good friends that stopped by to say goodbye |
Sunday evening on the 16th of November, Tayler was set apart as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was very special. We have a wonderful Stake President and he shared so much of his wisdom with Tayler and all of us. It was great. I could feel an instant change in Tayler and over the next two days I could see that he was ready for this and it made it easier for me to feel peace about sending him. I feel kind of bad because I have been very emotional about this and George hasn't. It isn't that I didn't want him to serve a mission and it isn't that I didn't think he could do it. He isn't my first child to leave the house or even my last child, but this is so different than when any of the others left. Maybe it is because he is my only boy, I really don't know. It could even be that he left just before Thanksgiving. All I know is that I have cried many tears and miss him very much. Thank goodness it is getting better. I would hate to be this way for two years!
Tuesday morning we (George, Tayler and I) got ready to leave around 4:30 or 5 to head to Utah. Hope came over for one last goodbye, here is our last selfie just before we headed out the door. The drive was bittersweet, we listened to Christmas music and I tried to talk without crying (just telling it like it was) I think Tayler was struggling also. The emotions and kind of crappy roads made for a longish day. We went to Jackie and Tylers house Tuesday night. It was so great to see them and of course adorable Dallin :)
Wednesday we had until 2:50 before we had to be at the MTC. My sister Heidi and her kids came to say goodbye. It was really really sweet of her to come.
Amanda, Josie, Tayler, Dallin and Sam |
We talked and visited and went to lunch and then the time had come.
Dallin and Tayler |
Tayler, Jackie and Dallin |
The MTC was very very busy, the last week that Missionaries arrive before Thanksgiving. We pulled up and a Man came to our window and said "We have been waiting for you!" :) He then asked Tayler where he was going and directed us to follow the sister missionaries hand signals. He also told us we have 2 and a half minutes so make sure we have everything. I was going to take some pictures but I just couldn't do it. We were met my two Elders that helped Tayler get his suitcases snapped these couple of pictures and that was that. I am getting all teary eyed typing this. I pretty much hugged him and almost shoved him at the Elders because I didn't want to start crying in front of him and make it harder for him.

There he goes!! This is when the floodgates started opening. We got in the car and I was sobbing!! Not crying, sobbing. The kind of tears that make it hard to breathe. It was a cool experience, I am so so glad I was able to take him and see him go. I am so proud of him, this was a hard choice to make. I know he prayed about his decision and he still had a hard time saying yes he was going. From my perspective anyway.

Now the happy news!! He LOVES being on a mission! His first letters from the MTC were so enthusiastic! I love hearing him be happy!! It makes this so much easier for me. I sound very selfish. I love my Heavenly Father! I know Tayler going out to help others and show them that God exists and that he loves them is a huge blessing for him and for me and for all those lives that Elder Young will touch. I love the Gospel. I really can not fathom life without the knowledge I have that I can be with my Family again after I die. There are so many things I am grateful for! I am so thankful that Heavenly Father loves his Missionaries! I know he is watching over my son and that is all I need :)