Since we don't have enough room in our back yard to have a garden we decided to plant some squash and tomatoes in containers and see how they would do. I think I like container gardening, and will do it on a larger scale next year. We are supporting the tomatoes with 6' bamboo sticks, it is hard to see in the photo but the 2nd one from the right an early goliath tomato is now taller than the stick. The one on the right a sugar plum tomato is almost as tall. The one on the left is a beefmaster and is starting to take off with the warmer weather we had. The second from the left is a bush early girl. Then we have 2 yellow squash and 2 zucchini plants. I am surprised that they are doing so well with all of the cold weather we have been having. We have only had a couple of days in the 80's.

kewel Maybe I'll have to try zucinni squash that way next year. They don't grow in the garden very well.
Really Cool George!
It looks really nice!!! Your tomatoes are putting their energy where they are suppossed to: tomatoes . . . . mine seem to be putting it all into the vine, and very few tomatoes! my vines are almost as tall as me! but hardly any fruit :(
What a great idea! They look wonderful!
That looks so cool! Tell Tayler and Emma that I miss them!
Nice photos of a patio garden as we would say here in Colorado farmlands.
Love the earth she is our mother.
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