Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
The dishes were washed, the chores were all done.
In hopes that tomorrow there would be sun.
The children were snuggled all warm in their beds.
While visions of snow flakes danced in their heads.
And me in my jammies and George with no cap
had just settled down for a long winter's nap.
When out in our yard there arose such a clatter
George sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window he flew in a flash
tore open the blind and threw open the sash
The streetlights shone on the new fallen rain
and the wind blew and blew again and again.
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear!
A whole freakin' TREE leaning to near.

That was awesome! Crazy, at least it's not on your house.
I'm glad it wasn't on your house. That darn wind and trees.
Wow, You are GOOD Girl.
And grandpa is so glad
to hear that all, are alright!
Wishes, Merry Christmas to all,
And to all a GOOD NIGHT!
Wow, very creative from a very crazy wind storm. Were they trees from your yard or the neighbors. Glad all is ok. Love you all.
How clever you are Lora! Glad the tree didn't land on the house . . . . this is one of my fears where we live!
I need to say that this was a combined effort by me and Jackie....we had so much fun doing this :)
Judy, it was my neighbors tree and it knocked over two others and then the one in back just blew over....luckily other trees stayed standing and stopped them from falling all the way down. We were blessed for sure!
Yikes!! (about the tree)
But very cute & creative poem. :)
What a great post Lora (and Jackie)! Wasn't that wind crazy?? It woke both Chico & I up too and we didn't have any trees falling near us like you did - yikes!
We need to get together sometime again. I miss chatting with you at the bus stop. :)
Happy New Year!
you are so creative, I can't believe I am just getting over here to check it out! So glad you were all safe. that really is crazy.
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