For Thanksgiving we went to Utah! It is always so much fun. Dinner was wonderful, lots of good food and company. After we ate my sister had bought 4 gingerbread house kits, she separated us into groups and gave us 1/2 hour to finish. This is our group, and we lost :( Oh well we had fun! The whole day we played and danced and then after we cleaned up, some of us went to the Olympic skating rink and skated, kind of cool.

Friday we got up super early and did Baptisms for the dead, it made for an incredibly early morning but it was really nice to be in the temple with 16 members of my family. We later went to the Gateway mall to look around and bug my one nephew that works at Old Navy there. Then we ate at Crown Burger because George had seen it on Man vs. Food and wanted to eat there really bad, so we did. We walked to Temple Square to see the lights after, it wasn't as lit up as I remember it being but pretty none the less.

The big news of the weekend was Tyler asked us if he could ask Jackie to marry him!! We of course said yes, Jackie and Tyler will be getting married soon. More about that later. Tyler won my approval for putting up with us AND my whole family for 3 days, he is very polite and easy going and best of all he makes Jackie very happy. They looked very natural together, we are excited for them.