Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jackie and Tyler's Day

 What a wonderful day!!  After all the worry about weather and all the other things that cause stress on a wedding day it all turned out so great.
 We were blessed to be surrounded by family.
 I just loved this picture.

 Jordan River Temple, they look so happy together.
 In the temple George told me that he had seen Faith Steven's outside.  I couldn't believe it.  I haven't seen her for years, like 23+ years, so I really hoped I would get a chance to say hi.  We were outside taking pictures and there she was!  Not only did I see Faith but as I was walking to the sealing room there was a couple walking toward me and I was thinking she looked really really familiar, and then I realized it was my primary secretary from 5 or so years ago!  She lives in Montana, I live in Oregon and we were in Utah in the Jordan River temple on the same day at the same time.  I thought that was two extra bonuses to a already fabulous day.

 My family put sooo much work into the reception.  Jenni made the cake for us, it was carrot cake.  So so yummy and so sweet of her to offer.  Marc the awesome photographer, he was and is so patient, something that I will always greatly appreciate him for.  My parents and sisters and brothers  for hosting and serving and cleaning and decorating and........ the list goes on and on.  Without them it just wouldn't have been possible for everything to go off without a hitch.
 The church was full of cousins, it was hard to stop visiting to take pictures. 
 Halley made it to the reception, it was great seeing her again.
 Judy and Verl (aka whirl) Tolbert  made it to the reception, we were so touched that they would come, all the family and friends from all over Utah.  It was so wonderful to see everyone.  Richard and Cheryl, Paul McCollaum, Michelle and her husband, Bonnie McCollaum.  People we haven't seen for such a long long time.
Just married, that says it all :)


The two old crows said...

Love your pictures. It was good seeing the cousins and Verl and Judy.

Grandpa Sid said...


So Sorry we couldn't be there, but our hearts are with you always!
Love You!

Tina said...

Thanks for sharing these Lora. UGG! this is what I hate about being so far from you guys!

Neat! to have seen Faith. Not the last time, but the time before when we were in Utah we went to dinner with her and her husband. They are a GREAT couple!

Rachel said...

Love all the pics! I was so sad that I missed the reception & seeing everyone (of course I would be out of town on the best weekend for some fun Kinsman family time). But it looks like everything turned out beautifully!