Today Jacqueline is Fifteen. Where has the time gone? She was so tiny, 6lbs 8oz.

I love this picture, she was such a happy baby, so cute!!

This one makes me laugh, she would not stand up she wanted to do it her way, too cute.

Whoops, don't know how to fix this without deleting the whole thing. So she is doubly cute :)

She loved this tree, she was a little monkey.

She makes the cutest witch :)

All of their hours of slaving away in our garden payed off!!

Jackie was the only one daring enough to pick up a crab.

Here she is with her cousin Alyssa, just having a good time on the beach.
Happy Birthday Jackie! I bet you feel so much older now lol! Anyways Happy Birthday hope you have a good one!
Happy Birthday Jackie. I hope you had a great birthday. I am out of envelopes soooo when I get some today I will send you a card.
love you
Grandma Young
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE !~!~!~! I'd sing but I wouldn't want to ruin your day. One more year and you'll be dating...driving... have a job... so much to look forward to so enjoy 15 while you can.
Love the pics... George with hair? NO WAY! Oh, we're getting old, Lora. Right now I'm really beginning to understand the marketing slogan of "Life comes at you fast."
Happy Birthday Jackie!!! We hope you have an amazing day! You are so beautiful!
OMG I can't believe this.. these kids are getting so old.. I feel that they just keep getting older and older and I just feel like I'm lingering like I know that I get older too but it just seems like they are getting closer to my age than I am getting away from theres I always thought I was so much older than these girls and now all the sudden reality sets in and I am just not that much older.. Granted I will be 22 this year(I know whoa huh) but I just don't feel that old.. but Happy Birthday Jackie I hope you had an amazing day and ps I love that last picture of you the most you look beautiful..
Happy birthday Jaqueline!!!
Love the pictures!!
George looks like the baby in that 1st picture!!!
I should send one of the photo's I took of her with her broken arm. poor Jackie, that was a bad one.
anyway happy Birthday!
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