Monday, March 1, 2010

It was an honor

I have heard these word from Movie stars and pop artists and have thought they didn't really mean it. Well the Nerd Herd was nominated for the think award yesterday at state, and I think it was an honor just being nominated. Getting third before the finals was an amazing accomplishment.

It was also an honor to watch our team get out there and battle and work hard and not get discouraged and just keep trying. It got a little brutal in the finals, we were smashed and bashed quite a bit and me as a Mom was a little perturbed but if the tide had changed I would have been all for our bot doing more pushing so that being said I am very glad we got this opportunity.

Things we need to remember. Human nature is to win no matter what.....even if we think it isn't nice. So be tough. Don't give up and give it your all. Be gracious in the winning and the losing, something the Nerd Herd does very well. The number one thing though would be to Have Fun!

Thank you Sid and Chan Hei, Dan and all the parents for all the hours and hours of service to our kids. Thank you for teaching them that learning is fun and that they can do it. Can't wait to see what next year brings!


The two old crows said...

All I can say is, Way to Go Team!!!!!!

Judy said...

So it really was an honor just to be nominated. Congrats to all.

Tina said...

Lora, I have to say, that I can't believe (from one of your other posts) than when the other bots have problems they try to obstruct the other bots! This seems so unsportman like! I am wondering if they do that in our competitions we have here. I've only been to one, and didn't remember it. There ought to be a rule against it don't you think?

But yes, being honored, is such a privlege. There are a few times I've felt it and used the word, and truly have felt it. What a great word when used correctly!

Glad Tayler and Sydney and the rest of the herd did well!

Lora said...


The finals were more brutal than the qualifying matches. It is definitely a game of strategy. The winning team was really smart, they allianced with great defense bots, thats all they did the whole time was push the others out of the way. I didn't really like it but if they had been part of our alliance I would have been all for it.

It is hard to see though, but it is a huge life lesson for them and I hope they remember everything from year to year. There is a big difference between 8th graders and 12th graders and there was no mercy. Someday out kids will be the seniors and that will just be life.

King Family said...

How neat. Im glad that they were able to get so far in the competition. Those must be some talented kids!

happy mom said...

very well said! I think it is wonderful what they are doing. keep it up!