and what do you get? Two awesome teams going to state!!!

It took two days and lots of stress but they did it. The Jedi's (Tayler's team,3525) made it to state the first day and the Ninja's (Emma's team,4239) made it the second day. As you can see on the above board the Ninja's actually did better than the Jedi's the first day but it's all in the alliance. Anywho it was a rough battle to watch I wanted both teams and their alliance to win because Tayler is a Jedi and Emma is a Ninja so we were yaying for both teams, people probably thought we were crazy.

I really want to give my kids tons of credit. They work very very hard. They were out at Uncle Sid's at least two times every week for two to three ours each night, some nights much longer and a lot of their Christmas holiday and they only missed a couple of times due to sickness and school work. I'm very proud of them and all the hard work they put into this every year, that goes for Jackie too she made sure they were there and back every time. They get to work with some great kids, it has been fun to watch them all grow and change through the years. They are also lucky to work with a great coach their very own Uncle. This is such a great program.

Awards won: First day: Ninja Conspiracy won the Connect award and the finalist award. The Jedi's won the winning award and the PTC award.
Second Day: Ninja Conspiracy won the Finalist award and the Inspire award (This is the very top award given so kudo's to those Ninja's). The Jedi's won the winning award and the PTC award.
Wow, that is sooo cool, thanks for the post.
Tayler, Emma, Sydney and Jackie as well as the others on the Ninja and Jedi teams should be very proud of their accomplishments.
You parents deserve Kudos also, to say nothing of Coach Sid, who dedicated so much time and money and frayed nerves to the cause.
I greatly enjoyed helping out what little bit I did.
Grandma and I loved our stay in Oregon with Y'all.
Thank you, that was exciting. I was pulling for you even through it is over. Wish we could have been there.
Very COOL!!!!
That is sooo cool!
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