For me Cabin Fever has a different meaning than most. I love to go to our family cabin and when I know I am going to get a chance to go I start getting stir crazy. I love the smells the peace the quiet. I will be sad if at some time in my life I won't be able to go here. I have very fond memories at the cabin, and I think all my children do also.

This is Emma going off the big swing :) My Dad climbed a tree that is probably 60 feet tall to fix this swing so we could all play and have a great time. It was a long horrible day for him, he is always going the extra mile for all of us and for so many others. I love you Dad!

My sisters kids wanted to go off the top on the big swing. Heidi said that the year before was her last time on the swing, she is done with it. I'm a sucker for a cute little face asking me if I will take them off, so here I am taking Josie off the top. My goodness I think it just gets scarier and scarier every year. Maybe this will be my last time going off. I actually have a video, I'll see if I can find it.

I was in charge of the family reunion this year. Water is always a hit so we all packed up and went to Gooseberry Reservoir, it is a pretty little place. Lots of fish, but we went swimming instead. I enjoyed being out on the water and I think all the kids had a fun time.

Ooops this one is out of place, we always go for a hike or two at the cabin. Who's king of the mountain?

The little swing can be fun too, it probably helps to be just the right age for it though :)

I have always wanted to Geocache, so since I was in charge I wrangled my Brother-in-law into helping me.

Ooops out of place again, Emma had a good time. She was my only child that went with me this year. Wow one child is so much easier than four, especially when they can take care of themselves.

We or Brian created a Geocache for our family reunion. I thought it was very cool.

We had an evening of Minute to win it games, I thought it was super fun. Melinda and Julie stacking dice and Jeri and Jenni separating m&m into the right color cups. The m&m game was the hardest I think.

Saturday the 24th of July we went down to Fairview for the parade and to visit with extended family. Here is our whole gang in front of my Aunt Hazels house. I think we make a pretty good looking bunch!

Kate my Nephews sweet daughter. Too cute!

After the parade and before we headed out, some of us traveled out west to the old homestead. I hadn't been there since I was a really little girl, so it was good. My Mom's family has fixed it up and made it nice. This is where my Grandparents spent the first few years of their married life together. Makes me thankful for what I have.

Chance and Cody, protecting the girls from any rattlers!!

Emma loving the heat in her jeans :)

Mom, Doug, Lora, Jeri, and Russ in front of the homestead.
Family time is always the best!
I'm impressed you are going off of that big swing!
And WOW, your hair is getting really long . . . looks nice!
I loved the time we went to the cabin. It is such a restful place. I love all your photos, it looks so green and cool. Great family picture.
You have a really great family Lora!
We love that you are part of ours too. Love You!
We love the cabin too! Good times!
Lora, do you remember inviting us up to the cabin when our kids were small? I will never forget that swing for as long as I live. What a scary, thrilling ride! And I remember someone making a big thump when they were sleeping in the top loft and me jumping out of bed in a flash because I was afraid they had fallen from the loft. And it was the first time we had played Rummy cube and now it is still one of our favorite games. I remember the hike up the mountain on the sheep trails and seeing the beaver dam. And how you gave me candle holder that Christmas made out of a beaver stump. Good times! I have been jealous of your family cabin ever since.... Love, Elise Tolman
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