August 11th 2011, Ryley gave his life serving our country. The funeral was beautiful and touching. Support from family, friends and the community was and is outstanding. I feel humbled. Thank you to all doesn't seem adequate. We are so blessed, and look forward to getting the opportunity to meet and know Ryley when we see him again.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
I love this picture. And you are an excellent writer. I am so glad the community is being so good to you all. Love you.
I love this picture also. It was a humbling experience to see how family, friends and community all pulled together and the Military. It was special.
I haven't commented because I'm having a hard time finding the words. It just all seems so surreal. Not real. Not fair. The worst nightmare for any military wife. Hope is an amazing woman and will get through this. I'm so deeply sorry for her and him all those who love them. Love you.
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