We drove to Birch Bay on the 2nd and so the third was really the beginning of our vacation. Some of us went for a walk and the rest went out in the bay and tried to catch clams. I guess I should say who "us" is, Grandpa and Grandma Kinsman, Marc, Judy, Ashlee, Cortnee, George, Lora, Hope, Jackie, Tayler and Emma.

George and Tayler had a good time, so did Ashlee.

George and Tayler had a good time, so did Ashlee.

I think this bird is a crane, they were everywhere.

After we dug for clams and walked along the bay we decided to drive into Canada and go to the Capilano suspension bridge, it was really cool. George got a little bit of motion sickness on it and Tayler looked like he was going to die but we made it across it two times!! The bridge was I think 270 feet tall and 430 feet across, so it was kind of cool. The first time across there were a bunch of teenagers swinging it and stuff so it did move alot.

On the one side of the bridge there was the walk in the treetops, called treetop adventures, it was very interesting and kind of cool, brought back memories of when we tried to build a rope bridge in our apple trees.

If this posts right the picture up above is of Marc getting a picture of us on the suspension bridge.

Tayler is in the red jacket with the backpack, George is in the white shirt, Ashlee in red, Jackie in green stripes.

Grandpa is in the hat with the brim and Ashlee is in the red,

This is all the kids setting off fireworks on the fourth over the bay, the sun was setting and it was amazing to see how many fireworks were going off at the same time, I think Marc kept saying it was "insane".

On the one side of the bridge there was the walk in the treetops, called treetop adventures, it was very interesting and kind of cool, brought back memories of when we tried to build a rope bridge in our apple trees.

Tayler is in the red jacket with the backpack, George is in the white shirt, Ashlee in red, Jackie in green stripes.

Grandpa is in the hat with the brim and Ashlee is in the red,

On thursday Grandpa Kinsman, Marc, Ashlee, Cortnee, Hope and Emma went deep sea fishing. I think they were fishing for king salmon. Sadly they didn't catch any, but they had a good time any way
. Some of the islands that you see are the San juan islands, very beautiful.

On Friday we went to Whideby island and before we went there we went to a town called La Conner, the kids standing by the metal man and the one inside the metal fish are at that town, we had a yummy lunch and then we went to the ocean , across deception pass and since the kids thought the ocean was to cold(and it is) we played in a lake that was right there. Tayler and Cortnee were in the yellow pedal boat, Jackie and Ashlee and Lora are in the canoe and Tayler and Lora are in one of the pictures of the canoe. It was beautiful and very peaceful on the water.

So I know the tire pictures are out of place but I am going to type this by the tire pictures any way (still learning all of this stuff). On our way home on the 9th we were by Toledo Washington, when my car started making this really loud noise, so I radioed to George (thank heavens he stayed on vacation longer so we were in separate cars) and we exited, by the time I had changed lanes to exit the tire blew and was flipping rubber as we were driving up the off ramp. All I can say is every thing that happened after the tire blew was a blessing, we were in a very small town (pop. 1347) and the automotive store just happened to have two tires that fit our car, they had been there for a long time so we got a really good deal on them and the owner of the store had no idea why they even had them. So after the blow, we found out our lug wrench wouldn't work on our wheels, that our spare tire was flat and the town wasn't within walking distance (well only if you wanted to walk a half marathon) so all in all I am very thankful, George was there, it wouldn't have been pretty if it had been just me and four kids. So that about sums up our trip to Birch Bay, it was wonderful, and I am looking forward to our next adventure.

So I know the tire pictures are out of place but I am going to type this by the tire pictures any way (still learning all of this stuff). On our way home on the 9th we were by Toledo Washington, when my car started making this really loud noise, so I radioed to George (thank heavens he stayed on vacation longer so we were in separate cars) and we exited, by the time I had changed lanes to exit the tire blew and was flipping rubber as we were driving up the off ramp. All I can say is every thing that happened after the tire blew was a blessing, we were in a very small town (pop. 1347) and the automotive store just happened to have two tires that fit our car, they had been there for a long time so we got a really good deal on them and the owner of the store had no idea why they even had them. So after the blow, we found out our lug wrench wouldn't work on our wheels, that our spare tire was flat and the town wasn't within walking distance (well only if you wanted to walk a half marathon) so all in all I am very thankful, George was there, it wouldn't have been pretty if it had been just me and four kids. So that about sums up our trip to Birch Bay, it was wonderful, and I am looking forward to our next adventure.

Thank You that was neat. I'm glad George was there also when your tire blew. I was alone with 3 kids, a sister and mother right outside Bloise, Idaho on the freeway when my tire blew. I changed the tire myself.
Where you guys went was beautiful and I think I would have gotten sick on the rope bridges myself.
that looks really cool!(the bridge and stuff) I think it is your responsiblity to share moms story, I wasn't there, and she won't have a blog, so you have to.
It all looks so beautiful, and I loved the pictures! I wish I would have been there.
Looks like you had fun! I'm happy that some of Mickel's family is blogging, it's such a fun way to keep in touch. I do remember meeting you, and I'm excited to get to know you more. I like your blog and look forward to more pictures. Oh, and I tore my Achilles Tendon playing basketball 6 weeks ago, so I'm slowly recovering from that, to answer your question:)
These Pictures are gorgeous. It makes me want to go visit and go across that bridge!!! Neat.
I'm glad everybody was safe and sound after all of the mishaps. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to see what is happening in your lives.
Love ya,
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