We had a great New Years Eve. My Mom and Dad flew up to visit and we played games and ate all day and all night. Sid and Chan Hei and Sydney came over also, it was fun.
Tuesday we slept in and then we played more games and ate more and played games and ate more. Tuesday night George wasn't feeling well, and when Tayler went to bed he said he wasn't feeling well either, after I cleaned up yucky stuff TWICE, I wasn't feeling the best :) But I didn't get sick.
Wednesday we watched a ton of movies, one thing is for sure my parents get to catch up on lots of movies when they visit us. We watched Harry Potter 5 and Bourne Ultimatum.
Thursday was my Dad's birthday, we visited, played games and watched movies and then we went to a movie, we saw National Treasure it was really good, I have a problem with Nicholas Cages hair though it looks really goofy. Hope made that yummy cheesecake we told you all about and we sang happy birthday. Hopefully Grandpa had a good day.
Friday we drove around and played games and ate and had a good time together. George took Dad to work with him. That night we went to Uncle Sid's house so Tayler could show the robot to Grandma and Grandpa.
Saturday my parents flew home.
It was cold and windy and rainy the whole time they were here, I feel bad. They definitly got lots of sitting around done. I'm really glad they came, my kids go through family withdrawal syndrome every so often, so it was really nice. We love you all!!!!