We decided that we needed to open up our back yard a little bit, sooooo we cut down a few trees! What an experience, it was kind of fun to see. I was a little worried they might fall into our house, obviously they did not.

George and Tayler went to town sawing away.

A little pushing and pulling and over they went.

Look at that mess, now we have to cut it up and haul it. Yay for more work!! :)
Wow, every boys dream . . . cutting down trees. Looks like Tayler was loving life. Lora, I would have been REALLY surprised if George would have hit your house with a tree!!! He is one smart cookie.
That reminds me of my summer as a kid. Cutting firewood on the mountain. I can't believe that is your back yard. That is beautiful! Good work!
p.s. yes, there is strawberry flavored marshmallows! They are YUMMY!
Wow what a backyard. Beautiful. Yep George knows how to fall a tree.
The song "Now That We're Men" from Spongebob Squarepants comes to mind looking at those boys being manly by chopping down trees. (Tayler and Jackie will know what I'm talking about) How fun. I remember cleaning up the mess from hacking down our trees! Oh, those were the days...
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