My sister just did this on her blog so I thought I would too :)
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember--it can be funny, weird, awkward, random, etc.!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
King of his Castle

Home rules:
1) The remote is Dads
2) If the other occupants of the house want to watch a movie that Dad doesn't want to see, a) watch when he is not home or (b) hurry and start movie when Dad is not in the room and hope he is ok with it or (c) Start movie and get Mom on your side OR (d) Don't watch the movie
3) If Mom wants to watch a movie she can
Last night Mom ruled and watched P.S I love you. Very much so a chick flick, there were tears galore and so George being the gentleman that he is put on his headphones so he wouldn't have to hear and see above mentioned tears, kicked back and........ slept!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Saturday we took the younger two kids to a remote control airshow. We had heard about it at a hobby store and so George wanted to go. They had RC airplanes, boats and cars. It was fun, as the day went on they announced that they were going to have some bigger planes that are 40% fly(that is 40% of a passenger airplane), so we hung around until the end for those. It was fun watching the little planes swoop and roll and dive and all those things but the big ones stole the show. For some reason we didn't have a camera :( So the shots below are from a cell phone.
In all the day was fun, Tayler liked the flying lawnmower, and the big ones. He thought the boats were cool and they had a ramp they were driving the cars off of.
Emma liked the big airplanes the best and thought when the little ones were doing a fight trying to cut other planes ribbons that was fun too.
I think we will definitely go to this again. The best part for me was it cost $4 per car, that is a bargain, and they had a nice big Oak tree that we sat under the whole day so in all even though it was 104 degrees it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. I like it when things aren't as bad as I thought they would be :)

In all the day was fun, Tayler liked the flying lawnmower, and the big ones. He thought the boats were cool and they had a ramp they were driving the cars off of.
Emma liked the big airplanes the best and thought when the little ones were doing a fight trying to cut other planes ribbons that was fun too.
I think we will definitely go to this again. The best part for me was it cost $4 per car, that is a bargain, and they had a nice big Oak tree that we sat under the whole day so in all even though it was 104 degrees it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. I like it when things aren't as bad as I thought they would be :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
The party
Happy Birthday Tayler!
Tayler is 13 today!! I can hardly believe it.
On the day he was born, Hope and Jackie were with their Aunt Heidi having fun at the county fair. My Mom came over to the hospital to see how things were going and happened to get there right when he was born! I am not sure if it was because of the county fair or what but there were tons of people in the room when he was born. Maybe it is because people knew I had way cute babies :)
Tayler loves food, we have so many pictures of him eating and with the remnants of food all over his face. When he was little and got past the doodle doodle doodle talk he would ask me what we were having for breakfast in the morning before he went to bed, and then in the morning he would pull back my curtains and tell me "look Mom the sun is shining, let's eat", he was so cute.

Look at that face, doesn't it just melt your heart. Man he was cute!
He loves animals, especially his dogs.
At the cabin, swinging away.
He was our first child baptised in Oregon, that was such a great day.
His first pinewood derby, I think he took third place. He had such a good time making that car with his dad
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLER!! We love you and we hope you have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday Tayler and I, his friend Tony and his Mom and Tony's sister went on a twenty mile hike. After all of these hikes there are a few things we have learned.

5) Don't look to closely at this little guys eyes (below), the guilt might kill you when you shut the door and hear his sad little whine. He knows you are going to do something fun without him.
6) If you are hiking along, trying to not think about the many miles ahead of you that day and someone looks down and sees this little guy looking at you. Make sure you pull out your cell phone and get a good picture and then make sure you push it around gently so that you can see it's wing is broken and above all else pull out some socks put them on your hands and be brave and hope the little thing won't bite you, pick it up, and walk with him until a ranger comes along and takes the poor wounded bird to safety. Make sure you feel good about doing your good deed for the day :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Last night
Yesterday was around 100 degrees, and since that doesn't happen very often it kind of has a bad effect on us. We all feel like we are melting. I know in Utah we were hot and lots of times hotter than this but I think that is the key, if you are hot all the time you just deal with it. If one week the temps are in the 60's and the next week in the 100's and then cooling off to the nice high 70's low 80's it kind makes it hard to adjust. Who am I kidding we are just big babies :)
Anywho Sid called George to see if we would like to go swimming in the Wilson River, we have talked about doing this before just never have. The problem was that Tuesday night is our mutual night :( So we split, George took Jackie, Tayler and Emma with him (yes that is right two of my kids missed their activities), and I took Hope and went to the lake with the YW. It was a lot of fun, all I did was sit on the shore and watch the girls have fun, so my night was pretty stress free.
Sid on the other hand had to jump in the river and save Sunny and Charles. I am kind of glad I missed the whole scary thing, but it all worked out well and George was getting ready to jump in if Sid needed him. After that scare they just used life jackets. Sid told us it probably didn't scare us as bad because we couldn't tell what they were saying (they speak Korean) so he knew they were in trouble long before everyone else. All in all it sounds like a pretty place to go play so we will have to go back.
Anywho Sid called George to see if we would like to go swimming in the Wilson River, we have talked about doing this before just never have. The problem was that Tuesday night is our mutual night :( So we split, George took Jackie, Tayler and Emma with him (yes that is right two of my kids missed their activities), and I took Hope and went to the lake with the YW. It was a lot of fun, all I did was sit on the shore and watch the girls have fun, so my night was pretty stress free.
Sid on the other hand had to jump in the river and save Sunny and Charles. I am kind of glad I missed the whole scary thing, but it all worked out well and George was getting ready to jump in if Sid needed him. After that scare they just used life jackets. Sid told us it probably didn't scare us as bad because we couldn't tell what they were saying (they speak Korean) so he knew they were in trouble long before everyone else. All in all it sounds like a pretty place to go play so we will have to go back.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My doggy
Rocky is so cute!! I know some would disagree with me on this, but I am a sucker for animals. While I have been catching up on everyones blogs, my fierce little guy was barking and whining at a big mean nasty fly....... It really makes me laugh. I know I have said this before and I will say it again, I am very EASILY amused.
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