Home rules:
1) The remote is Dads
2) If the other occupants of the house want to watch a movie that Dad doesn't want to see, a) watch when he is not home or (b) hurry and start movie when Dad is not in the room and hope he is ok with it or (c) Start movie and get Mom on your side OR (d) Don't watch the movie
3) If Mom wants to watch a movie she can
Last night Mom ruled and watched P.S I love you. Very much so a chick flick, there were tears galore and so George being the gentleman that he is put on his headphones so he wouldn't have to hear and see above mentioned tears, kicked back and........ slept!
I loved that movie too! My friend and I watched it when our husbands were camping with the scouts!
Haven't seen that movie yet, I'm waiting for another overnight scouting trip so I can have some time to myself and actually enjoy it without having to defend my softer side.
I suppose "they" have to rule something; the boys can have the remote, we get the rest of the house! lol
Doesn't a gentleman endure the movie? Rather than ignore it? Haha, at least he let you watch it. I think it is a cute movie. So sad.
Those rules sound very familar, ha ha.
I had to also mention I LOVE P.S. I love you! I saw it with two of my best friends at the theatre and we were all crying and trying to wipe our eyes with our thin little napkins from the consession stand. After the movie was over and the lights came up the lady in front of us had a whole box of kleenex. She said she would have shared if she'd known. Funny!
Not to go on and on, but my 2nd song on my blog playlist is from that soundtrack. "Love you till the end" Weep, weep.
That is sooooo George!!! You ought to have seen the fights we used to have over what we were watching when we were growing up!!!
it is sooo true if i watching something on t.v. and he gets back from work and wants to watch t.v. he alwys holds his hand for the remote. It's not fair!!=)
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