Hope has to decide which of her senior pictures she wants in the year book. We have narrowed them down to 3 choices and would like you all to vote for your favorite, and the one with the most votes will be the one that we choose! They aren't in any particular order. Thank you all so much for the help! :)
Picture #1

Picture #2

Picture #3

Number #2!!!! Come on number 2!!!! (Oh, you mean I'm not cheering for some slap-stick gameshow like the Price is Right?)
They're all great, in a yearbook, I think 2 is the best.
Oh, how you've grown!
I vote for #1, but they are all cute:)
I think they're all very cute, but since I can only pick one I choose #1 (it is my fave). And David likes #3 the most. :)
I like #2 the best.
I like #1 the most! You have a tough decision!
Lincoln says he likes number 3. I actually like it 2nd best.
I choose #1. But they are all WAY cute!
Number 1 for me. She sure is cute.
They are all great photos! (Wish my Senior pictures had turned out that good!)
I like #1 the best for the yearbook and I think you should have #3 blown up large to hang in your home. Just beautiful!
I like #1 the best, but they are all way cute. Aunt Trudy
I like #2! I agree with Stacey!! #2 is the best!
#3 for me, i guess i'm the oddball
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