I bent over to pick up a towel and my back decided that was it. I couldn't stand, sit or move all day long. It was very painful and it still is.
This is the worst of times.
Enter the best of times (well I should say better times). I went to a massage therapist today, can I just say AAAAHHHHHH! It was amazing! I went not really sure what to expect, not sure if anything could help me. So I went, I was massaged, I feel a lot better.
The End
Ohhhhh I'm sorry you've been in pain, but glad you feel a lot better. It would be nice if we had an ET to make it all better!
So sorry about your back--hope it's still feeling better. But toooo funny that you thought of ET. :)
ahhh for massage therapy. I too am sorry you hurt your back. We all need ET to make us better sometimes.
Noooo!!!! I'm so sorry your suffering back troubles. Massage therapy is awesome; it's a miracle what those hands and heat can do.
Remember when I "threw my back out" when Maddy was a baby and you would drive me into the chiropractor in Tigard. I recall a light dust of snow one trip down Hwy. 26.
Lie flat, don't bend over, have some icecream to counteract the heating pad!
I love massages. They are great. ET was on TV the other day. Kinda funny you mentioned it.
I swear I have been trying to talk our family woman into the wonderfulness of spa treatment! glad you found some help. I want one!
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