Hope went to Homecoming this year. She went with some friends and so it was a lot of fun for her. I think her dress is way cute!

The weekend after Homecoming was Halloween. This year we didn't go trick or treating! Tayler and Emma were invited to a party so it ended up being a very low key Halloween for us.

Emma won the funniest costume prize! Tayler won the best costume! They had a really good time.

President Oaks said that he had been talking to his Granddaughter about a young man and he said that he loves the youth today, he doesn't always understand them but he loves them. Example his granddaughter told him that who ever she likes has to be hot, and they kept talking and then she said that he also has to be cool, President Oaks said something along the lines, it doesn't matter if they are hot or cold, just don't be stupid. One of the youth said they loved the fact that an apostle told them to not be stupid. It was a great opportunity for our kids. I was only sad that they requested that the parents and youth leaders not go so that they would for sure have room for all the youth.
I voted this week. The outcome of the vote has consumed me this past week. Enough said.
That sounds like a great fireside. Im kind of jealous, I used to love firesides like that.
Hope's dress was very pretty, I can't believe she is that old already. I guess it makes sense though, she isn't too much younger than me.
Glad to hear from you again! and hope the move went smoothly for you and that the economy will brighten up also. Hope looks beautiful, and Halloween just isn't the same when the kids grow older, but looks like Tayler and Emma had a good time. It isn't often to hear from a apostle in person. What an awesome opportunity!
Holy Crap!! I was wondering if you fell off the face of the Earth!!!
You moved? This warrants a phone call! Good thing I just upped our cell plan so I can without costing me $100!
Hope is gorgeous! Lovely dress, beautiful smile. I hope Hope had a great time at Homecoming.
I'll have to show Dev the pic of Tayler. He'll think he's groovy! Emma, you gang hommie! I would have never guessed it.
Sounds like an awesome fireside. We don't have things like that, at least that I know of.
Yeah, wasn't too happy about the election outcome either. Trying very hard not to be like Chicken Little but with all these 'policy changes' etc. I can't help it.
Give you a call later today, have a RS Pres. meeting this morning.
I love Hope's dress, & she's so dang beautiful.
What an awesome opportunity to go to a fireside like that & not only listen to apostles but have them answer your own questions.
Looks like you've been busy! Your family is so cute! Last night I was looking through the family history book and came across your page. I can't believe how much your family has changed in that short time. (now that I think about it, I don't think I even had kids when my dad finished that book) WOW! Where does time go?
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