What is it that we don't like:
For one we never seemed to cut the bread uniformly
So as she put it, "Part of the sandwich has thick bread and part of it is really thin"
Sometimes the bread had big holes in it where it wasn't kneaded well enough or something.
So as you are eating the sandwich it is a mess.
I just thought it was funny.
I love homemade bread, just not in sandwich form.
When I was a little girl I thought it was a HUGE treat to get store bought bread, we would pull off the crust and crush it into a ball, mmmmm we thought that was soooo good. My kids think homemade bread is a HUGE treat. Boy how times have changed.
I so agree with you and your visiting teacher. I don't really care for homemade sandwich bread, unless my ninty year old, Newton neighbor and baker extrodinaire, Beth made it. Her bread was divine.
Bread is really yummy, especailly if you haven't had any bread products for quite a while... or so I heard.
Mmm.. Homemade bread sounds divine. I had some the other day and it was great. I don't ever remember having a sandwich on homemade bread.. I'll have to try it sometime and let you know what I think.
Your blog is cute. I love your family picture. You guys are in Oregon with Sid? We are still in Utah. I'd love to move to Oregon.
and I agree I love homemade bread to just have for a treat not a sandwich. Tell George Hi for us. I will have to tell Cheryl about your blog.
I agree with you on the sandwich thing. But I do love homemade bread for other stuff. Oh, and I LOVE to pull the crust off of store bought white bread & squish it into a ball--still.
I also love to pull of the crust and make a ball. I used to get into so much trouble from my mom for doing that. I agree homemade bread does not make the best sandwiches, but I do love a good bowl of homemade bread and milk.
I hardly ever had what we called "bakers bread" before I was 16 years old. Working on the farm, we had lunches very often. One sandwich with meat and one with jam or peanutbutter and jam for desert. With a pint or quart jar full of "raw" milk to wash it down. Home made bread and all.
A working man's lunch. Everyone's sandwiches were in one 3 gallon cook pot. The milk bottles were wrapped with damp cloth to help keep the milk cool. (in a separate container.
If we could find a shady spot under a wagon or in a patch of willows it was heaven. (if the mosquitoes wouldn't bother us)
With a fifteen minute nap after the feast, we were ready for the remainder of the work day.
Those were the days!
I'm glad they are gone.
I love homemade bread maybe because my mom's was always so good or maybe because now I understand the method to making it and what happens during the process of baking.. It's such a cool thing.. I love bread pretty much all together.. Um I'm not sure when I am going to make it to Utah.. possibly in April but it might be July before I make it to see Kate=(
I'd say it would be a treat to even GET to eat homemade bread, even in sandwiches :)
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