Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sixty Two!

This guy!
Laughs at me and then tells me to keep trying.
I don't know if I should keep trying or curl up in a ball and cry.
I feel like an "old dog" learning a new trick.
My mind and my body are not in sync any more.
New goal:
Learn new things
Do new things
Keep playing Brain Age.......


Ceci said...

haha we have that game i think im 80 something...

Stacey said...

Brain Age? Never heard of it. I take it 62 is awesome, cause you're awesome!


P.S. You package is in the mail, should be there Thursday. Let me know!

Sally Young said...

That is funny. Ken bought me a d.s. for valentimes, with the games brain age. I love it. Keep trainig. lol