This is the first year that I told my kids not to wake me up, I think I have turned into the scrooge :) They woke me up anyway :)
Emma got a robe and some littlest pet shops, a travel size Mad Gab, and cooking mama for the wii.
Tayler got a robe and an erector set and

Jackie got a robe, my sim for her DS and Harry potter and the order of the phoenix for the wii.
Hope got a robe, some yummy smelling perfume and some make up and Donkey Kong Barrel blast for the wii.
For the family we got some more remotes and nunchucks so that everyone can play.
I was also pleasantly surprised that my kids wore their robes the whole day and the day after and some of them are wearing them today, just goes to show that you never know what they will like.
These last pictures are to show you what our house has looked like for the last two and a half days, I don't think their bottoms have left the couch longer than they had to. They love the new games, and have played and played.
I am going to tell you our rating system for these games, each of us will rate them for you .
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam: 12 Thumbs up (6 two thumbs up)
Cooking Mama: 13 Thumbs up (Tayler gives it 4 thumbs up and George gives it one, the rest of us give it two thumbs up)
Harry Potter: 4 Thumbs up (Emma gives it two, Hope and Jackie give it one)
Donkey Kong: -3 (Tayler two thumbs down, Emma one thumb up, Hope no thumbs, Jackie two thumbs down, and George no thumbs, I don't count I haven't played it)
So for all of you new wii owners out there, you now know what we think about these games. I need to run, I have to beat George one more time at the skateboarding (Downhill Jam), just so I can say I did it!!

Love your pictures. I'm glad you all had a great day. Looks like everyone is lazy but isn't that what the Christmas holidays are all about????
The Wii is supposed to get you moving! What's with all the couch surfing!!! lol Thanks for the rating system. It was a 'gameless' Christmas for us besides two DS games (Alex Rider and Nacho Libre).
The farmers got together though with their gift certificates to Wal-Mart that Grandma and Grandpa gave them to buy Raving Rabbits II. It has a total of 10/10 thumbs up!
Hey Emma, Maddy got LPS too! She has been asking for them since our visit last July!
To answer your question . . . . I used a really concentrated dose of Postum. I think it worked out okay. The cinnamon rolls were really good I thought. I've tried her Pasta Primavera also, used chicken stock instead of white wine.
Love ya!!!
I'm back and have posted pictures of our new floors finally! I love your pictures. the wii sounds fun, we are just getting started with all the gaming stuff. we just got a game cube. but I did think the wii was supposed to get your butt off the couch! so these floors of your are new right? I think it looks so nice. and in the background outt he windows is that the forest that I see, it is huh, that looks so pretty as a back drop. I wish I was there. tell me have you gotten mom and dad to play? well love you all.
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