Every year we all get really excited for school to end and summer to start. We party all summer and get things done that we don't get done all year and then by the end of summer vacation we are very ready for school to start.
School starts and I feel like everything is total chaos. Homework....... someone needs to be somewhere at the least convenient time possible.......... we have to get up really early........ so we are all in a stupor of not enough sleep and lots of demands on our time.
It is at this time when I decide that I need to get myself in shape, I don't worry about it all summer, but when things get crazy then I decide to add that one more thing to my schedule.
So today I went with Hope and Jackie to the church for seminary and headed to my friends house, thinking it wouldn't take me long, I mean I did hike 70 miles all spring and summer, surely that has helped me right. "WRONG" I can't believe how out of shape I am, so I walked by my friends and headed for home, I have to walk up a pretty steep hill to get home, I was practically wheezing when I got to the top.
I have come to the conclusion that my diet just might be the problem. I have been excercising for a long time now and I really think I should feel like it isn't kicking my behind every single day. I am doing way better than when I started, I would just like to feel better. When I did my half marathon, there were lots of older ladies (like in their 70's) passing me and I was amazed so I need to find some great way to change my diet without my family protesting to much and getting myself into better shape, I was also thinking that if I wrote down everything I eat in one day maybe I would be less likely to eat so much, what do you all think. Any good ideas, any great web sites with helps? Any blogs with practical helps for a Mom who doesn't have tons of time or money?
If you find out the magic combonation, let me in on it. I have no idea. I was doing great this summer; I chalk it up to swimming everyday and hanging on for dear life while trying to wakeboard. Now that the pool is closed, the lake is nearly empty, and I've been running around doing everything else under the sun the pounds are making their way back. Yuck!! And I need to go shopping for jeans this fall too! Dang it!!
Props for walking again! You win. Hopefully, I'll get off my biscuit and take your post to heart.
I find writing everything down really helps. I also am trying to eat my 5 fruits and veggies a day, so once I get those in, I'm not eating a lot of other "stuff". My friend Crystal has gone a little crazy (in a good way) about her diet after reading a book called the Omnivore's Dillemma (I think). She has cut out all preservatives and anything made with non-food. I did weight watchers after I had Seth, so I kind of keep track of points on my own when I'm trying to drop a few pounds. I also just started weight training, which actually has added pounds, but I'm dropping inches. Best of luck to you!!
I think our recipe blog just might help, we can really help with healthier options, and i think you should buy that cook book deceptively delicious by Sienfelds wife. I know i want it.
um is that a picture of your friends? or are you in there? I can't really recognize anyone, but it is a very pretty, and well done picture! I love it!
good luck!
ooh after reading Jenni's comment, I had a friend read that same book, and her name is Mary ann on my side bar, she talks a little about it in a post, and well you know me, I read for fun not to learn stuff so I am just taking what she has read and using it. so I stopped buying, junk food and I am making my bread, and buying a ton more produce! but I still keep ice cream in the house always, that is my one thing that I will always find a way for, but buying raisens instead of gold fish has made me feel better, and my kids are eating it! and you know a bag of eddemames a day! that helps too!
Lora, I think you could count 70 miles of hiking as "exercising this summer." HOLY SMOKES woman! that is a lot of miles. I didn't "officially" exercise this summer, but kept very active . . . it counts!!
I agree, that food has to be the culprit, I was in denial for a long time . . . I have exercised for over 20 years and those same 10 pounds are on my waist. I'm not proud to admit it, but I'm doing the shake for breakfast, shake for lunch and a sensible dinner thing . . . I am seeing a difference, pants are getting less tight, YIPPEE! I didn't do well over the summer, but now that the kids are in school it is easy and really convenient. My body didn't like the liquid diet at first, but it is adapting. . . . . . GOOD LUCK!
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