Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whistle while you work

Do you remember how much fun it is to wash dishes by hand? All of those hours with the whole family pitching in and singing songs like "whistle while you work". Happy times :)

Well our dishwasher decided to take some time off, so we are doing our dishes by hand. I am not sure why it can't be a happy moment for everyone, we all enjoy dirtying the dishes. I guess I need a chart so the following comments aren't made after every meal.

"I always do the dishes." (I love this one, we have only been washing for a week)

"I have to go to the bathroom." (Thank goodness for chores or my children would never have to go)

"I did them last time." (This one may be true, but if you are the only child home you get to do more, sad but true)

"You never do them Mom." (Just so you all know I have been taking my turn)

Those are just a few of the wonderful, fun things being said on a daily basis. So I guess I better go, I have a new chore chart to make.


Tina said...

I was just going to say "chore chart time", you are one smart cookie!

Jackie said...

I hate washing dishes, but i don't think we are that bad! :o) lol there is no need for a chore chart....... well maybe.

The two old crows said...

sounds like the same excuses our kids used to make. It didn't hurt them one little bit to do dishes.

Tina said...

I had the most excuses of all I think . . . I didn't do very many dishes . . . but I had a GOOD excuse!

Stacey said...

Isn't that why we gave birth in the first place, so we can have dishwashers when the dishwasher breaks? Dave's still on notice that divorce papers will be filed after 24hrs. if the dishwasher hasn't been fixed. lol Yeah, right.

My sister purposly cut her finger so she didn't have to do dishes... too bad mom made her put on those yucky yellow glove and made her do them anyway!


Anonymous said...

That is funny! Good luck with that.

Ceci said...

i use the "i have to go t the bathroom" excuse a lot.

Judy said...

At least you do help. I don't think my kids would ever think that I help. But I think it is funny that everyone has to go to the bathroom when it is dishes time. We just got a new dishwasher because we didn't want to have to go through this torture. It is so nice and quiet. I love it. I was going to have that be my Christmas present but Marc bought it with money he didn't spend in Alaska. Bonus.