1) How to tell if your child needs to go to the doctor
2)How to handle a child who is crying in pain
3)What chicken pox really look like
Who am I kidding the list is never ending. I was going to say there needs to be a book or a seminar to learn these things but if there was a book or a seminar on all the millions of things we need to know how to deal with, no one would have children :) I have learned a lot of things and I actually did learn some of them before I had children but in all my years as a mother I have never handled a grease fire until the other day, not to toot my own horn but I think I handled it well and I actually remembered what to do.
so what happened? scary that it was a grease fire, because lucky for me, mine have never been grease fires or my house would be burnt down by now! do did you use baking soda?
Wow, glad you knew how to react to the fire! I had to put one out at my sister-in-laws house. Baking soda was the ingredient we used! She was impressed!!
I am to the point that I don't understand the draw to have children . . . Oh what I'd give to have been infertile . . . BUT . . Lincoln's brother and sister-in-law (same as the fire) have 9 yes 9 adopted children. What are we all thinking! The sad thing is, I'm am semi-serious about the infertile thing . . . .
You'll think it was all worth it when the grandchildren come. Where is your faith??????
Grease fire? Holy Crap!!! How scary was that? When it was over, did you sit down and shake like a leaf, cause that's what I would have done. Bravo in putting it out, baking soda or did you use a lid?
Okay, who's Jack? Crafy and cool, never. I fly by the seat of my pants, remember? You're the cool one I miss...
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