A good friend of mine sent me a little story: A grandfather was talking to his grandson. The Grandfather let the little boy know that he alway felt like he had two wolves fighting inside of him. One fighting for good and one fighting for bad. The little boy got big eyes and asked which one will win. The grandpa said, whichever one I feed.
Sometimes in life, we all like to be a little hard on ourselves. Who am I kidding I am my worst critic. Well lately I have decided that I am done with picking on myself. It won't be easy, my bad wolf is fat and healthy but I am going to start today to make my good wolf the pretty one.
I like that analogy. Something to think about . . . .
Good, it's about time you start feeding the good wolf! Maybe you should let the bad one free and let Peter find it! lol
so is this kind of like your six week thing? good idea, you have always been way too hard on yourself! I love you, you are wonderful, and that is a really cool story!
I am going to try the picture tag now, glad that yours worked!
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