“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Monday, September 20, 2010
Highlights summer 2010/ Ape caves and Lava Canyon
We were invited to go to the Ape caves and Lava Canyon on Labor day. Tayler had hiked the ape caves years ago and has told us repeatedly that we needed to go so when we were invited we jumped at the chance. The picture above is us coming out of the cave and the one below is us before we went into the cave. It was interesting no tour guide and lots of climbing over sharp rocks but cool. We went with the Steele family and the Cutright family. A good friend of mine told me to go to Lava Canyon while we were there. The force behind a volcanic eruption is amazing! We were very close to Mt. St. Helens. There were signs like this all over the place.......Look below and you will see two crazy men that did not stay on the trails.....I think I won't say anymore about that. The suspension bridge at Lava canyon was fun, kinda scary but made the trip exciting. Need to go back when it isn't so cold.
Kewel. I love all the pictures. Oregon is a beautiful place.
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