Angel Moroni on top of Hill Cumorah |
We are finally headed across the top of the United States. First stop was Palmyrah. I was so excited even though I had no idea what to expect.
Emma and Tayler on the Hill |
Smith Farm House |
This is a replica of the house that Joseph Smith grew up in. The foundation is the original foundation and they did build it to be an exact look alike. They didn't even use power tools to build it.
This is the were Joseph talked to his mother about what he had read and prayed about.
Looking out the back of the house is the Sacred Grove, it was so pretty here.
This is the room that Joseph knelt and prayed in and had the Angel Moroni appear to him.
On our way to the framed house that Alvin built we stopped in one spot and we looked left and saw the Temple (above) and then looked to the right and saw the Sacred Grove (below) it was very cool.
This is the Framed house that the Joseph and Emma lived in. This is the house that Joseph brought the plates to. Below is the fireplace where he hid some of the plates. 80% of this house is the original house, the bricks below are the original ones.
Original bricks |
The box on top of that dresser in the corner is a replica of the box Joseph hid the rest of the plates in.
The kitchen where some of the translation was done.
This is a barrel shed that Joseph also hid the plates in. He had them hidden under the floor boards, but one day he had the thought that he should move them so he put them on a shelf up above the tools. A mob broke in and ripped up the floor boards and found nothing, they didn't look up either so the plates were safe.
The Sacred Grove was so peaceful and beautiful. I sat and tried to imagine all those years ago. All the amazing things that happened here that made it so we could have the restored gospel in our lives. I'm so thankful for all that Joseph Smith did. So thankful for my Heavenly Father. He loves us all so much. It really is very amazing.
I'm thankful I am sealed to my family. They are mine, if I continue to do all that I have been taught to do. What a great day. I am so glad we came here. It was just so special to me.