Monday, February 11, 2008

Different tag

This one is different.

10 years ago........Emma was a baby and it was around this time my parents were getting ready to leave on a mission. I was to take care of all of their financial life and take care of their trailer court. Boy does that bring back memories. Not all good :) It was a good experience though, it taught me that some things happen and there is not one thing you can do about it so just breath and do the best you can. If the world is frowning at you, it really doesn't matter. Family matters and that is all.

Things on my to do list today.....Laundry, work, FHE, homework, dinner.......

Snacks I enjoy.......Gooey caramely really bad for me snacks, I love snickers, twix, Ice cream...... I also love salty things, salt and vinegar chips, chex party mix, pickles. I do eat some snacks that are good for me...... I love a good apple, carrot sticks, cheese sticks, pineapple, tomatoes that are right off vine, avocados..... I could talk all day about snacks :)

What would I do if I were suddenly a billionare........ First off I think I would cry and then start singing some rediculous song, like something from sound of music:) Then I would call a travel agent :) Go shopping :) You know, just spend it, of course :)

3 of my bad habits........1) My foot is always in my mouth 2) I am really lazy 3) I can't think of a third, but that does not mean I don't have one:)

5 places I have lived......Utah and Oregon. I haven't lived in five places

5 jobs that I have had.......I was a bagger at Thiftway, a checker at Thriftway, I worked in a lab for liquadry, I repair chipped windshields, and I have been a gopher (go for), a chef, a taxi service, a cheerleader, a laundress..........

5 things people might not know about me.......Lets see, uuuuummmmm I am YW President in our ward, I uuuuummmm..........................think I have filled out tooooo many of these things for you to be surprised by anything I write so I will leave it at that.

I tag Heidi, Stephanie, Kandi and any one else who feels the urge to do this hint hint Stacey wink wink

1 comment:

happy mom said...

wow I wouldn't have thought about mom and dad leaving for a mission 10 years ago! and don't you know all about me, but hey I'll do it! I liked your snacks, made me hungry!