Yesterday we went ice skating for the first time! It was fun, today I'm paying for it, I think it might just happen again sometime. Last night George, myself, Tayler and Emma went to Sid's and played games, watched movies and of course ate lots of junk ;) We had a blast, of course. Hope and Jackie were with their friends, having a blast, of course ;)
So now we come to New Years resolutions.
My plans for 2009 are pretty simple:
Be kinder to everyone
Read the church magazine's from cover to cover
Study my scriptures more
Go to the Temple more
Pretty much the same as every year :) How about you all, do you make resolutions? Wanna share?
No I don't make resolutions. I break them to easy.
That's a loaded question, but I'll answer with the lesser of the many evils;
Finish all painting in the house, greatroom included, by the middle of March.
Complete at least one hands-on project.
Go to the REC at least 3 times a week if not more to relive stress.
Meet all my photo-goals....
Oh yeah, be nice. Be better at: Motherhood, Wiffyhood, Sisterhood, and all man-kind, including myself.
How's that?
I love ice skating! And I don't usually make resolutions (New Year's ones anyway) because I almost never keep to them. But your resolutions are making me think that I could stand to make a better effort at a few things. So thanks for your list. :)
Brave girl you! for going ice skating . . I usually fall on my buttocks or once I even fell straight back and cracked (not literally) my head! Just as I'm getting confident . . whoomp!
Anyhow, I guess I'm my mother's daughter . . . no resolutions . . .
BTW . . . I love your new background!!
Those are great news years resolutions. I also don't usually make them. But I do have study the scruptures on my list of things I really, really, really need to work on.
Hope you had a great time at your friends last night.
Love ya, Judy
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