On June 29
th, around 4 in the morning, Me, Jackie,
Tayler and Emma headed to Angels Camp, California. It was a long day and a little scary especially when we were in Eugene, Oregon and our GPS started doing weird stuff and telling us to exit in places there weren't any exits and then kept "recalculating" for miles and miles, luckily I had a map and it was a pretty straight run for us.

The moaning cavern was close to the resort so we went to check it out. I had a good time. It was fun to be there with family. I forgot how scary a dark cave can be to little kids. Heidi's kids handled it very well and we all had a good time.

Cute picture of Emma and Kara!

We all took a day and drove to Yosemite National Park. There was this rock that had to be
Yosemite falls was awesome! I wish I could remember numbers to wow you all but I can't just believe me it was gorgeous.

Chance and Jaxon had to conquer this rock. It was a day full of conquering :)

Emma, Jackie and Marc up close to the fall. I couldn't believe how wet we got just standing at the base of the falls.

Emma and Jackie close to the Yosemite falls.

This is us walking to a lake, I think mirror lake. It was hot and muggy but we all had a good time. Below my Dad and Judy enjoying the freezing water.

At Yosemite there were so many huge mountains with big bare rock faces and the one called El Capitan was on Jackie's picture taking list so every mountain I saw I would say "Look El Capitan" Jackie didn't think it was funny and I am sure nobody else will find it funny but I was amused so I am sharing. (Pictured below not El capitan)

In the picture below is a brown bear out in the meadow, hard to see but it was a highlight of Yosemite.

Kellie, Tayler, Chance, Cody, Jaxon, Emma, and Kara. The 7 musketeers.....they ran around all over the place together.

Alyssa, Jackie, Katie and Ashlee.....Don't know where Cortnee or Krissie are but they had a fun time together.

We were in the famous Calavares county (The jumping frog of Calaveres county by Mark Twain). There were frogs everywhere. On the sidewalks there were squares with a year and the world record length the frog had jumped. One of the world records was 0 feet 0 inches, I thought that was funny.

Josie, Emma, Amanda, Kara at the parade on the 4th of July.

Lora and Emma at the resort.

On our last Monday in California, we all got together and had a Family Home Evening. We had so much fun in California, I always have such a good time with my family and the kids just love their cousins. It was so much fun and the fact that we were there to celebrate my parents being married for 50 years made it even better.