The hike they went on was close to Multnomah falls, I can't remember the name of these falls, some indian name. I guess it was pretty steep, so they were all sore. What a beautiful hike though.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Oh Yeah!! They are REALLY roughing it! We didn't even have a toilet. It was a hole we dug ourselves, surrounded by a tarp, and toilet paper hung from somebody's lashing project. The only rule was to shovel dirt into the hole after using it!!! WHAT FUN!!! They are still probably doing that in West Millard County!
Glad you all had fun.
Reminds me of going to Brighton for girls camp and then one year we went to Moon Lake and stayed in cabins. But I think this camp was cleaner than ours. One year we camped above Heber City and slept in Tents that was fun.
Wow, they do have things rough! Those cabins but my army tents to shame. That is so pretty there I can't get over it.
I went up mutnomah falls when we were traveling from OR to UT on our vacation. It was a little steep, but it wasn't that long. I'll have to say it was 10 min. faster walking down than up though. I thought the falls were cool and I got to stand on a gazebo thing right over the drop. It was awesome.
you girls ARE spoiled. i slept in a tent on an air mattress. my tent was cramped with 5 girls in a 4 person tent!!!!! we made our own food on a grill we had to bring from home. we did have toilet and showers. we were camping. you girls were not. lol.
I think I wouldn't mind visiting this resort. You didn't say though whether they received facials and manicures while there. I have never had either but would come if they were included in the camp fees. Just kiddin--we are just all jealous that's all.
That was this years girls' camp? No way!! I looks fab! Roughing it is more like what our girls did. The cabins looked like a concentration camp.
How beautiful, all the green - the waterfalls. Completely jealous as usual.
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