I think we might have over done it for Tayler though, poor kid was exhausted. Three days at outdoor school, he got home at around 2 and then at 4 he went to a couple of friends birthday party (twins) and got home around 9. We got up this morning and headed over to Silver falls, hiked the hike and on the way home Tayler totally crashed. Next week shouldn't be so bad. We are trying to get as many hikes done as we can before it gets to hot (if it ever warms up) and before things get too crazy and we don't have time. There are some fun hikes around. I hope Tayler is having as much fun as I am.
He said he liked our hike last week the best, we went to Champoeg state park and hiked along the Willamette river, it was pretty cool to see the giant posts in the water with a sign showing where the water level had been in 96 or 97 during a huge flood. When we were on the dock looking up at the sign, it was probably 15 or 20 feet over our heads!! Pretty amazing.
The pictures you put on here are so beautiful. I would love to see all the green. I miss it living here in Utah.
It is beautful there in parts of Oregon. I love being here in Maryland because of all the green and the trees. I'm not enjoying the t-storms, tornadoes and such and now the 100 degree or more temperatures. I guess we are never quite satisfied with what we have.
The hikes do sound fun and that picture is amazing! Very beautiful!
I love Silver Falls!! Our first year in Oregon we went at least three times that spring and summer. If you gotta hike, it's one of the best places.
Is this a Scout requirement?
Did you take that picture? It's gorgeous!!
I love Silver Falls too!! We go there as many times as I can persuade someone to go with me :)
Tayler is working on his Hiking Merit Badge, so he has to do five 10 mile hikes and one 20 mile hike. If he was a fish he could do the swimming merit badge instead, or he could do the cycling merit badge if he liked 50 mile bike rides. It is the one required merit badge that he can choose between three things.
You totally caught me, we didn't take the picture. It was supposed to rain so we didn't take our camera. It did look that awesome when we were there though. Does that count?:)
Oh my goodness! I love the blog thing! Your family has grown sooo much! I know I have changed a lot too. My hair especially. It is something that I change on a regular basis I am afraid to say. I have told myself that I need to stop coloring my hair, but then I get bored and color it again! oi! I have seriously colored it every "natural" (I have not done anything like hot pinks, blues, greens, etc) hair color you can!What's a girl to do?
I read a few of your blogs, and glanced through all of the pictures. I can't believe how much your family has grown and how much Hope looks like Lora! I almost had to do a double take on those homecomming pictures!
I'm glad Bonnie passed along my blogsite. Now I can keep track of you all too! Maybe we can get Bonnie or my parents to start a blog. They may have the same problem as me though, not enough goes on in my everyday life to write about. But I will try to keep updating it anyway. I hope you do too!
I'm so glad that you are having so much fun with these hikes. I can't believe how pretty they are. You wouldn't find a waterfall like that here in St. George. Sounds like Tayler had quite the weekend. I would be so warn out too!
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