Funny things our kids have said:
On October 14th 1994
We went to Lehman's Cave for a family reunion. In the cave I mentioned to Hope that Heavenly Father made the cave. She wanted to know if he hung up the stalactites with a hammer and nails :) On our way home from this trip we passed by the McCollaums house, they had a witch and a ghost hanging in the window and Hope said "Bonnie has a witch and the Holy ghost hanging in her window" :)
December 2008
We were getting ready for prayer and we were talking and things and Jackie had been ripping a thread off of her shirt for about 10 minutes and decided to scare Hope with it. She rolled it into a ball and flicked it at Hope and yelled "SPIDER!", as it landed on Hopes leg. Hope yelled, jumped back, rolled on the floor kicking and screaming. Hope has arachnophobia, but we didn't realize how much. It was so shocking and surprising to us all we couldn't help but laugh.
Thanksgiving 1997
Jackie kept asking me if she could have cookies and desserts before we had eaten the Thanksgiving meal. I told her she had to eat something good first, she looked at me and said "Mom, cookies are good". :)
Another funny thing Jackie did around this time, she was playing go fish with my Mom. I was helping for a while and she asked for a certain card and Grandma didn't have it so Jackie had to go fish, well she got what she had asked for so I told her she got to go again because she got what she wanted. I had to leave for a second but I could hear the game and I noticed that Jackie kept saying "I got what I wanted" so I came and watched for a while and on Jackie's next turn she asked for a card and had to go fish, she drew a different card than she had asked for but she said she got what she wanted. I said no you didn't and she said "yes I want this card, it's what I wanted".
I had to be on my toes with Jackie :)
Year 1999
Tayler has always made me laugh. One time I spanked him and he looked up at me and said "You hurt Jackie's brother". :)
July 5th 1999
I was upstairs working on the computer, Tayler came upstairs picking his nose I said "Gross were did you come from" and he said "downstairs". :)
December 1999
Our Primary went caroling and we rode on a flat bed trailer of a Semi. When we got home later that evening Tayler ran in the house and said, "Guess what Dad we got to ride on a Sam I am". :)
One more from Tayler since it is Christmas.
December 24th 1999
Santa came to visit (Christmas tradition in Sutherland). Tayler and Emma were scared and didn't want Santa to come back that evening. I told them not to worry they would be asleep and wouldn't even hear Santa. Tayler looked at me and said,"I still have ears when I'm asleep". :)
September 5th, 1999
Heidi and Brian came to visit and we went to desert mountain to hike around and have fun. Brian sat in a hollowed out area on this rock and said he was King. Emma started calling him "Brian King" (Lion King) :)
I asked Emma how much food she wanted on her plate, she would say "too much". It took me some time but I finally figured out she wanted "Two much". :)
May 2002
I was eating breakfast with the kids and we were talking about the night before. They had all been in bed when I got home from taking Jackie to a skating party. I said that everyone was asleep when I got home and Emma said "I was asleep like this," and then she showed us how she was asleep and then said "and it was cute too". :)
December 2008
We went Christmas shopping and George and Emma were in the hat area. George put a hat on Emma and said "Emma, look it's you" (as in it looks nice on you, total sarcasm, it was an ugly hat) and Emma said "Of course it's me, under this ugly hat!"
We were eating dinner and Jackie was being gross (eating like pig) and Emma said, " That's disgusting Jackie" and instantly burped like a.................Man. Totally had us ROFL!!
Those are really funny Mom! Except the ones about me!(jk) The one about Tayler picking his nose was really funny and maybe my favorite!=D
You made me laugh . . . . Your kids are so cute!
It is fun to see the pictures in Abraham also! My, how the kids have grown!
Your kids are so cute. I love all the funny things they do & say. It would sure never be dull at your house. :)
What a fun thing to do! I love Thankful Thursday and Flashback friday! Sorry you have been snowed in! Looks like you have had good food!
It was you that gave me the blanket idea, wasn't it? I couldn't really remember, but yep, we still had a few floor episodes, but mostly I was able to keep it in the blankets and towels, I am still not done washing!
I love that you have all of these to remember, so cute! did you have them written in a journal? I love your kids!
I really like the I still have ears when I'm asleep!
yep kids say and do the darnest things. Love your pictures it has made me start digging for some pictures I've seen recently and now can't find.
Oh my goodness. I'm trying to decide if it's a good thing or not that the kiddos don't talk to us when they get older and reveal all of our secrets or if it's better to just fly by the seat of your pants what ever happens.
Classic "Young" remarks! Thanks for the flashbacks.
Sorry for the delay in responding. Dave have been home the last three days and I haven't been able to get on the computer as much as I usually do. Now I have to survive two whole weeks with everybody home! Yikes!!!! At least its not three, though! lol Good luck!
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